HOP Medical Centre presents you with a wide range of executive health screening services, centrally located at Orchard Road. Click here to see more

Preparation for Health Screening

We hope that you have a pleasant and wonderful experience at HOP Medical Centre. Here are a few key points to take note of so that you ready for your health screening:

What should I bring?

1. NRIC/FIN/Passport

2. Recent medical reports or xrays/scans images.

3. Referral letter (if applicable).

What should I do prior to my screening?

1. Fast for at least 8-hrs before your appointment. Plain water is permitted. This not required if you have opted for a non-fasting screening. 

2. Omit your diabetic medication until after your appointment. You may consume all other chronic medication as required.

3. Expectant mothers are advised to refrain from screening.

4. Please be in comfortable attire to facilitate testings.

5. Changing rooms, disposable slippers, lockers and body wipes are available upon request, please approach our service associates during your appointment.

6. Please postpone your appointment if you are unwell.

How should I prepare for specific tests/scans:

– Please wear a 2-piece outfit as electrodes will be placed on your chest.
– Shave chest hair (if any)

– Bring along your eye glasses (if any).
– Remove contact lens at least 30mins before the test.

– If you are on inhalers, please call the medical centre one-day prior to your appointment to check if any preparations are required.
– Do not smoke 1-hr before your test.

– Avoid caffeinated food and drinks on the day of your test.
– Bring along your sports attire and running shoes.
– You are encouraged to bring a spare set of clothes to change after the test, there are no shower facilities available on site but body wipes can be provided on request)
– If you have any known heart conditions or on any heart or blood pressure medications, please consult a physician before the test

– If you are pregnant, please avoid this  test.
– Please inform us if you had a chest x-ray in the preceding 6-months.

– Please bring your previous scan results from other healthcare institutions if available

Abdominal / Hepatobiliary System Ultrasound:
Fast for at least 8-hrs
– Avoid smoking at least 2hrs before examination

Prostate / Pelvis Ultrasound:
– Drink 5 to 6 glasses of water 1-hr before your scan.
– Avoid urination

PAP SMEAR (Ladies)
– To be done at least 5 days after your menstruation
– Avoid sexual intercourse, use of creams, medication, spermicides or tampons 2 days prior to your appointment.
– If you are only comfortable with female staff performing your test please inform us before coming for your appointment.

– If you are pregnant, please avoid this test.
– Examination should be done at least 1 week after your menstruation.
– Avoid perfumes, powders, deodorants and creams at your chest or underarm areas.
– Wear a comfortable 2-peice outfit.
– Gowns available upon request.
– A mammogram is recommended for ladies 40yrs and above.

– To be done at least 5 days after your menstruation (Ladies)
– Avoid red meat and iron supplements 3 days prior to your appointment.

– To be done at least 5 days after your menstruation (Ladies)

Download screening guide

Non-Fasting Screening

What is non-fasting screening?

A non-fasting screening means that you can get your health screening done without the need to fast.

This can help make your entire screening experience more comfortable and can also help to reduce the risk of of hypoglycemia in patients with diabetes.

Do note that if you are opting for a liver/abdomen ultrasound. Fasting is still reqired.

Will my results be accurate?

Yes! Your results will be accurate as HbA1c is done to assess a person’s diabetes status regardless of fasting. All other laboratory tests and scans (except abdominal ultrasound) are unaffected by food.

What is HbA1c?

HbA1c tells us your average blood glucose level over the past 3 months by measuring the glucose levels that is bound to your blood cells.

Are there extra charges?

No, there are no extra charges.

Who is not suitable for non-fasting screening?

Individuals with known anaemia are not suitable for a non-fasting screening as it may affect the HbA1c results.

What test cannot be done under non-fasting screening?

An abdominal or HBS (liver) ultrasound cannot be done under a non-fasting screening.

Any preparations I should take note off?

Please try to avoid heavy food and alcohol before your appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your medical centre located?

We are located at 390 Orchard Road, Palais Renaissance, #11-03/04, S238871.
It is located opposite Forum shopping mall or next to the Thailand Embassy.

How long will my appointment take?

Depending on your selected package, your screening may take between 1 to 3 hours.

Can I receive a time chit for my screening appointment?

Yes, a time chit can be provided for your screening appointment.

Can I go for executive health screening if I am pregnant?

It is not recommended to undergo executive health screening if you are pregnant.

Contact Us

Any question? Send us your enquiry!

Contact Information

Fill up the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible


Vision Exchange
2 Venture Drive #10-16
Singapore 608526 (Office)
Tel: 6777 3667
WhatsApp: +65 8831 3515

Medical Centres

HOP Medical Centre (Orchard)

390 Orchard Road, Palais Renaissance,
#11-03/04, Singapore 238871
Tel: 6589 0009

HOP Medical Centre (Tampines)

1 Tampines Central 5, CPF Building,
#07-04/05, Singapore 529508
Tel: 6589 0002

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